
TheOdysseyistheshipthatservesasMario'sprimarymodeoftransportationbetweenkingdomsthroughoutthegame.,TheOdysseyisMario'sairshipandmainmethodoftransportinthegameSuperMarioOdyssey.Itresemblesashortredtophatwithgoldenpropellersthat ...,SuperMarioOdysseyisa3Daction-adventureplatformerfortheNintendoSwitch.ItisthetwentiethentryintheSuperMarioseries.,MariousesashipnamedtheOdyssey,ahat-shapedflyingvehic...


The Odyssey is the ship that serves as Mario's primary mode of transportation between kingdoms throughout the game.


The Odyssey is Mario's airship and main method of transport in the game Super Mario Odyssey. It resembles a short red top hat with golden propellers that ...

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey is a 3D action-adventure platformer for the Nintendo Switch. It is the twentieth entry in the Super Mario series.

Super Mario Odyssey - Mario Wiki

Mario uses a ship named the Odyssey, a hat-shaped flying vehicle to fly to the game's many kingdoms. He retains many of his moves from the 3D games, such as the ...

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey is a 3D platforming game and the sixteenth entry in the core Super Mario series. The game was released in October 2017 for the Nintendo ...

Super Mario Odyssey

2017 3D open-world platformer video game developed by Nintendo.

Super Mario Odyssey Guide

Super Mario Odyssey is the first Super Mario game for the Nintendo Switch platform -- and this wiki strategy guide and walkthrough is the last you'll ever need!

Super Mario Odyssey Wiki

Welcome to Super Mario Odyssey Wiki! Super Mario Odyssey Wiki is an informative encyclopedia all about Super Mario Odyssey! This wiki currently has 40 pages ...


《超級瑪利歐奧德賽》(日語:スーパーマリオオデッセイ,英語:Super Mario Odyssey)是一款由任天堂企劃製作本部開發並由任天堂發行在任天堂Switch平台上的平台遊戲 ...